“We are very happy to have the V-gels for rabbits because we have had a problem with a tracheal constriction in a intubated rabbit, recently. The devices are very easy to apply and are easy to
handle. We can also apply assisted breathing which was my major concern. Furthermore, we do have much better capnographic monitoring with the devices than with intu bated rabbits because the device seems to fit very well. If we have to change the position of the rabbits during surgery, sometimes the device gets out of place, but it isn’t a problem to replace it. The device opened the opportunityfor us to use different anesthetic protocols, for instance with propofol. ”
PD Dr. Kerstin Miiller
Kleintierklinik der FU Berlin
Oertzenweg 19b
14163 Berlin
We used the v-gel in a bunny. It was very easy! I heard a little noise as you described in your teaching presentation and didn’t have a C02 reading, but then adjusted a little, came back and pushed in further and it was better. The bunny was breathing fine, saturating at a 100%, no other noise noted. And recovered really nicely!
llike it!!! 🙂
Tatiana H. Ferreira DVM, MSc., PhD, DACVAA Clinical Instructor—Anesthesia Department of Surgical
Sciences School of Veterinary Medicine University of Wisconsin-Madison
We have been using the v-gel ainlvays system from Docsinnovet for the last4 months. It is awesome!!
Prior to getting this system, rabbit anesthesia was always a concern. Both my technician and resident had become fairly accomplished at blind intubation and visual intubation (respectively). But we still had instances when intu bation was not possible, or repeated attempts were required. There was also still the concern that post-procedure deaths, though rare, were disproportionate in our intubated rabbits.
After reading about the documented incidence of laryngeal trauma and death in rabbits when ET intubation was used, we elected to maintain many rabbit patients on just mask inhalant anesthesia. Obviously this is not ideal for our staff safety but also in cass of dental procedures, when performing GI surgeries, or if complications arise during anesthesia.
The v-gel system is phenomenal! My technician and I took a 4-hour hands-on lab at the WVC in February of 2014, and immediately felt comfortable with the system. We are using it minimally 2-3 times/week. We even use the v-gel for quick oral examinations -there is no reason not to!
Teresa L. Lightfoot DVM, DABVP-Avian
Director – BluePearl Science
Director – Avian and Exotic Service
Tampa, Florida. USA